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OHSS | Office of Homeland Security Statistics


Since the passage of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through the Office of Immigration Statistics has:

  • Collected and disseminated data and information useful in evaluating the social, economic, environmental, and demographic impact of immigration laws; and
  • Established standards of reliability and validity for immigration statistics collected by the Department’s operational Components.

As of September 2023, the Office of Homeland Security Statistics is responsible for collecting, disseminating, and establishing standards for immigration data.

Immigration data is also collected and disseminated by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). All three Components oversee lawful immigration to the United States, safeguard our borders, and uphold America’s promise as a nation of welcome and possibility with fairness, integrity, and respect for all.

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Immigration Topics

The following are key datasets and resources published by the Office of Homeland Security Statistics.

  • Yearbook of Immigration Statistics

    yearbook of immigration statistics

    This annual report and its supplemental tables include a collection of tables that provides data on foreign nationals who were granted lawful permanent residence. The Yearbook also includes tables on those who were admitted into the United States on a temporary basis; applied for asylum or refugee status; or were naturalized; or who were the subject of enforcement actions, including noncitizen inadmissibility determinations, apprehensions, removals, and returns.

  • Lawful Permanent Residents

    lawful permanent resident

    Lawful permanent residents (LPRs), also known as “green card” holders, are non-citizens who are lawfully authorized to live permanently within the U.S.

  • Refugees and Asylees

    refugees and asylees

    The United States provides protection to certain persons who have been persecuted or have a well-founded fear of persecution through both refugee and asylum programs.

  • Naturalizations


    Naturalization confers U.S. citizenship upon foreign nationals who have fulfilled the requirements Congress established in the Immigration and Nationality Act.

  • Nonimmigrant Admissions (Temporary Visitors)


    Nonimmigrants are foreign nationals granted temporary admission into the United States.

  • Unauthorized Immigrants

    Unauthorized Immigrants

    Most unauthorized residents either entered the United States without inspection or were admitted temporarily and stayed past the date they were required to leave.

  • Immigration Enforcement

    Immigration enforcement

    DHS engages in immigration enforcement actions to prevent unlawful entry into the United States and to apprehend and repatriate noncitizens who have violated or failed to comply with U.S. immigration laws.


  • State Immigration Data

    Picture of State Immigration Data map

    This annual set of tables provides 10 years of data for each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, with data on refugee arrivals and total asylum grants (affirmative and defensive combined), including raw counts and per capita counts, along with state rankings for each within each year. They also include data on total, new arrival, and adjustment lawful permanent residents; I-94 nonimmigrant arrivals; and naturalizations.

Download Immigration Reports and Data

Data File File Extension File size Date Posted Report Year Data Category categories
Nonimmigrant Admissions Immigration and Estimated Nonimmigrant Individuals: 2022 pdf 543.91 KB 04/16/2024 2022 Nonimmigrants, NI Admissions and Estimated NI Individuals 13, 46
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2018-January 2022 pdf 644.74 KB 04/18/2024 2022 Unauthorized Immigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants Population Estimates 14, 45
Asylum Processing Rule Cohort Reports - December 2023 xlsx 61.65 KB 04/18/2024 2023 Refugees and Asylees, Asylum Processing Rule Cohort 11, 29
Immigration Enforcement and Legal Processes Monthly Tables - February 2024 xlsx 637.73 KB 06/07/2024 2024 ENF Legal Processes Monthly Tables, Refugees and Asylees, Immigration Enforcement 39, 11, 15
Immigration Enforcement and Legal Processes Monthly Tables - January 2024 xlsx 629.07 KB 05/10/2024 2024 ENF Legal Processes Monthly Tables, Refugees and Asylees, Immigration Enforcement 39, 11, 15
Immigration Enforcement and Legal Processes Monthly Tables - December 2023 xlsx 467.16 KB 04/05/2024 2024 ENF Legal Processes Monthly Tables, Refugees and Asylees, Immigration Enforcement 39, 11, 15
Immigration Enforcement and Legal Processes Monthly Tables - November 2023 xlsx 396.09 KB 03/08/2024 2023 ENF Legal Processes Monthly Tables, Refugees and Asylees, Immigration Enforcement 39, 11, 15
Asylum Processing Rule Cohort Reports - October 2023 xlsx 65.42 KB 02/01/2024 2023 Refugees and Asylees, Asylum Processing Rule Cohort 11, 29
Immigration Enforcement and Legal Processes Monthly Tables: October 2023 xlsx 397.15 KB 02/09/2024 2023 ENF Legal Processes Monthly Tables, Refugees and Asylees, Immigration Enforcement 39, 11, 15
State Immigration Data Sheets: FY 2022 xlsx 292.94 KB 02/15/2024 2022 State Immigration Data, Lawful Permanent Residents, Refugees and Asylees, Naturalizations, Nonimmigrants 20, 10, 11, 12, 13
Efforts by DHS to Estimate Southwest Border Security between Ports of Entry pdf 815.44 KB 01/09/2024 2017 Immigration Enforcement, ENF border security between ports of entry 15, 40
Immigration Enforcement and Legal Processes Monthly Tables - September 2023 xlsx 391.3 KB 01/05/2024 2023 ENF Legal Processes Monthly Tables, Refugees and Asylees, Immigration Enforcement 39, 11, 15
2022 Family Unit Actions Report pdf 918.16 KB 04/04/2023 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37
2022 Border Security Metrics Report pdf 2.24 MB 07/03/2023 2022 Lawful Permanent Residents, ENF Border Security Metrics 10, 35
U.S. Naturalizations 2021 Data Tables zip 84.12 KB 07/11/2022 2021 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Lawful Permanent Residents: 2022 pdf 1.11 MB 11/17/2023 2022 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2022 pdf 3.37 MB 11/14/2023 2022 Yearbook 9
Estimates of the Lawful Permanent Resident Population in the United States: January 2023 pdf 241.21 KB 11/14/2023 2023 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2022 Data Tables xlsx 134.9 KB 11/14/2023 2022 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2022 pdf 683.99 KB 11/14/2023 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2022 pdf 270.76 KB 11/14/2023 2022 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
U.S. Naturalizations: 2022 pdf 268.25 KB 11/14/2023 2022 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
Refugees and Asylees: 2022 pdf 1007.88 KB 02/15/2024 2022 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Lawful Permanent Residents 2021 Data Tables zip 221.42 KB 04/05/2022 2021 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Lawful Permanent Residents by Type, Broad Class of Admission, and Sex and Broad Age Group: Top Twenty States: FY 2022 xlsx 822.09 KB 08/22/2023 2022 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by type, broad class of admission and sex and broad age group 10, 27
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2022 xlsx 1.99 MB 08/22/2023 2022 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
Expanded 2022 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 65.71 KB 08/22/2023 2022 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2022 Data Tables (Including Supplementary Tables) xlsx 290.32 KB 08/21/2023 2022 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
U.S. Naturalizations 2022 Data Tables (Including Supplementary Tables) xlsx 177.64 KB 08/21/2023 2022 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Refugees and Asylees 2022 Data Tables xlsx 51.45 KB 08/21/2023 2022 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Lawful Permanent Residents 2022 Data Tables (Including Supplementary Tables) xlsx 254.99 KB 08/21/2023 2022 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Fiscal Year 2022 Border Security Metrics Report (2021 data) pdf 2.24 MB 07/24/2023 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Border Security Metrics 15, 35
Family Unit Actions Report-September 2022 Data Files xlsx 40.57 KB 06/20/2023 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37
Family Unit Actions Report-September 2022 pdf 918.16 KB 06/20/2023 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2021 pdf 3.81 MB 11/11/2022 2021 Yearbook 9
Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report - December 2022 pdf 762.96 KB 02/01/2023 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38
Adjustments to Lawful Permanent Residence by Year of Entry: FY 2000 to 2022 xlsx 112.67 KB 12/22/2022 2000 Lawful Permanent Residents, Adjustment to LPR by Year of Entry 10, 22
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2021 Data Tables zip 170.14 KB 12/22/2022 2021 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2021 pdf 700.87 KB 12/22/2022 2021 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
FY 2021 Enforcement Lifecycle Report pdf 957.05 KB 12/22/2022 2021 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Lifecycle report 15, 34
FY 2021 Enforcement Lifecycle Report Appendix Tables xlsx 64 KB 12/22/2022 2021 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Lifecycle report 15, 34
Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report Data Tables - December 2022 xlsx 48.72 KB 12/19/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38
Nonimmigrant Admissions by Selected Classes of Admission and Sex and Age: Fiscal Year 2021 xlsx 46.96 KB 12/12/2022 2021 Nonimmigrants 13
Nonimmigrant Admissions by Selected Classes of Admission and Sex and Age: Fiscal Year 2020 xlsx 46.09 KB 12/12/2022 2020 Nonimmigrants 13
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2021 xlsx 1.59 MB 12/12/2022 2021 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2020 xlsx 1.67 MB 12/12/2022 2020 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
Lawful Permanent Residents by Type, Broad Class of Admission, and Sex and Broad Age Group: Top Twenty States: FY 2021 xlsx 816.38 KB 12/12/2022 2021 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by type, broad class of admission and sex and broad age group 10, 27
Lawful Permanent Residents by Type, Broad Class of Admission, and Sex and Broad Age Group: Top Twenty States: FY 2020 xlsx 817.39 KB 12/12/2022 2020 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by type, broad class of admission and sex and broad age group 10, 27
Expanded 2020 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 61.54 KB 12/12/2022 2020 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Expanded 2021 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 61.76 KB 12/12/2022 2021 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Family Unit Actions Report-May 2022 Data Files xlsx 39.57 KB 10/07/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37
Family Unit Actions Report-May 2022 pdf 984.5 KB 10/07/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37
Estimates of the Lawful Permanent Resident Population in the United States: January 2022 pdf 934.6 KB 10/06/2022 2022 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
Refugees and Asylees: 2021 pdf 1.1 MB 10/03/2022 2021 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Lawful Permanent Residents 2021 Data Tables zip 221.42 KB 09/26/2022 2021 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Lawful Permanent Residents 2021 Supplementary Data Tables zip 217.95 KB 09/26/2022 2021 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
U.S. Naturalizations 2021 Data Tables zip 84.12 KB 09/26/2022 2021 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
U.S. Naturalizations 2021 Supplementary Data Tables zip 216.33 KB 09/26/2022 2021 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2021 Data Tables zip 210.19 KB 09/26/2022 2021 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2021 Supplementary Data Tables zip 168.84 KB 09/26/2022 2021 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Refugees and Asylees 2021 Data Tables zip 91.93 KB 09/26/2022 2021 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Southwest Border Enforcement Report - Fiscal Year 2021 pdf 491.95 KB 09/01/2022 2021 Immigration Enforcement, Southwest Border Enforcement 15, 36
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2020 pdf 1.1 MB 08/26/2022 2020 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2020 pdf 3.13 MB 08/26/2022 2020 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
U.S. Naturalizations: 2020 pdf 3.11 MB 08/26/2022 2020 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
Refugees and Asylees: 2020 pdf 2.18 MB 08/26/2022 2020 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Lawful Permanent Residents: 2020 pdf 1.17 MB 08/26/2022 2020 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report Data Tables - August 2022_v2 xlsx 54.26 KB 08/24/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38
Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report - August 2022 pdf 760.75 KB 08/23/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38
Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report - July 2022 pdf 930.78 KB 07/27/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2021 pdf 296.82 KB 07/26/2022 2021 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2020 pdf 4.24 MB 03/08/2022 2020 Yearbook 9
U.S. Naturalizations: 2021 pdf 320.47 KB 07/13/2022 2021 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
Refugees and Asylees 2020 Data Tables (v2) zip 88.27 KB 07/11/2022 2020 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status Report Tables FY 2022 Q4 Final D'ed Version xlsx 167.89 KB 07/08/2022 2022 Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status, Lawful Permanent Residents, Refugees and Asylees, Naturalizations, Nonimmigrants 18, 10, 11, 12, 13
Lawful Permanent Residents: 2021 pdf 1.17 MB 07/08/2022 2021 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report - June 2022 pdf 473.87 KB 07/01/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38
Fiscal Year 2021 Border Security Metrics Report pdf 2.07 MB 06/10/2022 2021 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Border Security Metrics 15, 35
Fiscal Year 2020 Border Security Metrics Report pdf 1.72 MB 05/25/2022 2020 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Border Security Metrics 15, 35
Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report - May 2022 pdf 377.79 KB 05/16/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38
Estimates of the Lawful Permanent Resident Population in the United States: January 2019-2021 pdf 294.9 KB 05/09/2022 2019 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report - April 2022 pdf 527.01 KB 04/18/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38
Family Unit Actions Report-FY2021-September 2021 pdf 623.32 KB 03/25/2022 2021 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37
Family Unit Actions Report-FY2021-September 2021 Data Files xlsx 46.41 KB 03/25/2022 2021 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37
Family Unit Actions Report-FY2020-September 2020 pdf 9.1 MB 03/25/2022 2020 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37
Family Unit Actions Report-FY2020-September 2020 Data Files xlsx 51.91 KB 03/25/2022 2020 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37
Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status Report Tables FY 2021 Q4 Final D'ed Version xlsx 83.12 KB 03/25/2022 2021 Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status, Lawful Permanent Residents, Refugees and Asylees, Naturalizations, Nonimmigrants 18, 10, 11, 12, 13
Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report - March 2022 pdf 409.73 KB 03/18/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2020 Data Tables zip 212.64 KB 02/22/2022 2020 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report - February 2022 pdf 322.97 KB 02/15/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2020 Data Tables zip 205.35 KB 01/06/2022 2020 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2020 Supplementary Data Tables zip 178.72 KB 01/06/2022 2020 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2020 Data Tables zip 81.18 KB 01/06/2022 2020 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Naturalizations 2020 Supplementary Data Tables zip 212.44 KB 01/06/2022 2020 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Lawful Permanent Residents 2020 Data Tables zip 213.69 KB 01/06/2022 2020 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Lawful Permanent Residents 2020 Supplementary Data Tables zip 215.27 KB 01/06/2022 2020 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Annual Report: Legal Immigration, FY 1999 (INS) pdf 526.8 KB 11/13/2021 1999 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Family Preference 1980-1989 pdf 1.28 MB 11/13/2021 2021 Naturalizations 12
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2015 pdf 239.4 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2018 xlsx 1.79 MB 11/13/2021 2018 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission, Refugees and Asylees, Naturalizations, Nonimmigrants 10, 25, 11, 12, 13
Naturalizations 2019 Data Tables zip 80.31 KB 11/13/2021 2019 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Lawful Permanent Residents by Type, Broad Class of Admission, and Sex and Broad Age Group: Top Twenty States: FY 2019 xlsx 822.09 KB 11/13/2021 2019 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by type, broad class of admission and sex and broad age group 10, 27
Naturalizations 2017 Data Tables zip 85.87 KB 11/13/2021 2017 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Nonimmigrant Admissions by Selected Classes of Admission and Sex and Age: Fiscal Year 2016 xlsx 35.87 KB 11/13/2021 2016 Nonimmigrants 13
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2015 pdf 562.83 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Unauthorized Immigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants Population Estimates 14, 45
Refugees and Asylees 2013 Data Tables zip 57.9 KB 11/13/2021 2013 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Naturalizations 2000 (Tables) zip 164.35 KB 11/13/2021 2000 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2002 Supplementary Tables zip 597.06 KB 11/13/2021 2002 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2004 Supplementary Data Tables zip 113.62 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Refugees and Asylees 2006 Data Tables zip 33.17 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Legal Permanent Residents 2008 Data Tables zip 234.5 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2009 Data Tables zip 65.45 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Estimates of the Size and Characteristics of the Resident Nonimmigrant Population in the United States: January 2012 pdf 615.08 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Nonimmigrants, NI Population Estimates 13, 33
Estimates of the Legal Permanent Resident Population in 2007 pdf 184.47 KB 11/13/2021 2007 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
Naturalization Rate Estimates: Stock vs. Flow pdf 140.14 KB 11/13/2021 2021 Naturalizations 12
Naturalizations 2011 Data Tables zip 180.6 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Lawful Permanent Residents 2015 Supplementary Data Tables zip 194.69 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Refugees and Asylees: 2013 pdf 383.5 KB 11/13/2021 2013 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2017 pdf 4.35 MB 11/13/2021 2017 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
Naturalizations in the United States: 2004 pdf 272.76 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
Annual Report: Legal Immigration, FY 1998 (INS) pdf 401.81 KB 11/13/2021 1998 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Total LPR Flow by CBSA 2000-2004 pdf 1.42 MB 11/13/2021 2004 Lawful Permanent Residents 10
Fiscal Year 2019 Border Security Metrics Report pdf 1.5 MB 11/13/2021 2019 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Border Security Metrics 15, 35
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2014 pdf 220.17 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2017 xlsx 1.82 MB 11/13/2021 2017 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
Naturalizations 2019 Supplementary Data Tables zip 215.23 KB 11/13/2021 2019 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Lawful Permanent Residents by Type, Broad Class of Admission, and Sex and Broad Age Group: Top Twenty States: FY 2018 xlsx 846.67 KB 11/13/2021 2018 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by type, broad class of admission and sex and broad age group 10, 27
Naturalizations 2017 Supplementary Data Tables zip 216.98 KB 11/13/2021 2017 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Asylum Workload by Top Twenty Nationalities: Fiscal Years 2014 to 2022 xlsx 27.3 KB 11/17/2023 2022 Refugees and Asylees, Asylum Workload by Top Twenty Nationalities 11, 30
Expanded 2019 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 76.27 KB 11/13/2021 2019 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2014 pdf 160.42 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Unauthorized Immigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants Population Estimates 14, 45
Naturalizations 2013 Data Tables zip 185.73 KB 11/13/2021 2013 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2000 (Tables) zip 334.09 KB 11/13/2021 2000 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2002 (Tables) zip 209.41 KB 11/13/2021 2002 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2004 Data Tables zip 225.12 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2006 Data Tables zip 153.67 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Legal Permanent Residents 2008 Supplementary Data Tables zip 147.62 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
2014 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics pdf 2.28 MB 08/01/2016 2014 Yearbook 9
Estimates of the Size and Characteristics of the Resident Nonimmigrant Population in the United States: January 2011 pdf 459.45 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Nonimmigrants, NI Population Estimates 13, 33
Estimates of the Legal Permanent Resident Population in 2006 pdf 277.37 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
Characteristics of Employment-Based Legal Permanent Residents: 2004 pdf 173.88 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Lawful Permanent Residents 10
Naturalizations 2011 Supplementary Data Tables zip 129.13 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Refugees and Asylees 2015 Data Tables zip 106.6 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Refugees and Asylees: 2012 pdf 766.07 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2016 pdf 4.03 MB 11/13/2021 2016 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
U.S. Naturalizations: 2019 pdf 2.71 MB 11/13/2021 2019 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
Annual Report: Legal Immigration, FY 1997 (INS) pdf 555.13 KB 11/13/2021 1997 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Total LPR Flow by CBSA 1990-1999 pdf 1.43 MB 11/13/2021 1999 Lawful Permanent Residents 10
Fiscal Year 2018 Border Security Metrics Report pdf 1.18 MB 11/13/2021 2018 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Border Security Metrics 15, 35
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2013 pdf 458.01 KB 11/13/2021 2013 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2016 xlsx 1.86 MB 11/13/2021 2016 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2019 Data Tables zip 199.25 KB 11/13/2021 2019 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2017 Data Tables zip 205.04 KB 11/13/2021 2017 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Credible Fear Cases Completed and Referrals for Credible Fear Interview xlsx 25.99 KB 11/17/2023 2021 Refugees and Asylees, Credible Fear Cases 11, 31
Expanded 2018 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 83.13 KB 11/13/2021 2018 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2012 pdf 672.61 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Unauthorized Immigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants Population Estimates 14, 45
Naturalizations 2013 Supplementary Data Tables zip 129.72 KB 11/13/2021 2013 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2000 (Tables) zip 214.85 KB 11/13/2021 2000 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2003 pdf 1.4 MB 09/01/2004 2003 Yearbook 9
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2004 Supplementary Data Tables zip 90.24 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2006 Supplementary Data Tables zip 119.74 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Refugees and Asylees 2008 Data Tables zip 64.2 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Lawful Permanent Residents 2014 Data Tables zip 164.06 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Estimates of the Resident Nonimmigrant Population in the United States: 2008 pdf 260.33 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Nonimmigrants, NI Population Estimates 13, 33
Estimates of the Legal Permanent Resident Population and Population Eligible to Naturalize in 2004 pdf 253.29 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
Characteristics of Family-Sponsored Legal Permanent Residents: 2004 pdf 162.57 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Lawful Permanent Residents, Naturalizations 10, 12
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2011 Data Tables zip 228.67 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2015 Data Tables zip 56.9 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Refugees and Asylees: 2011 pdf 445 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2015 pdf 334.21 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
U.S. Naturalizations: 2018 pdf 2.84 MB 11/13/2021 2018 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
Refugee and Asylee 2000-2003 pdf 1.17 MB 11/13/2021 2000 Refugees and Asylees 11
Total LPR Flow by State 2000-2003 pdf 1.29 MB 11/13/2021 2003 Lawful Permanent Residents 10
Fiscal Year 2017 Border Security Metrics Report pdf 2.12 MB 11/13/2021 2017 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Border Security Metrics 15, 35
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2012 pdf 730.39 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2015 xlsx 1.77 MB 11/13/2021 2015 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2019 Supplementary Data Tables zip 182.51 KB 11/13/2021 2019 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2018 pdf 3.08 MB 10/01/2019 2018 Yearbook 9
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2017 Supplementary Data Tables zip 185.48 KB 11/13/2021 2017 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs) by Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission: FY2005 - FY2022 xlsx 248.84 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPRs by Country of Birth and Major Classes of Admission 10, 26
Expanded 2017 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 82.34 KB 11/13/2021 2017 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2011 pdf 444.73 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Unauthorized Immigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants Population Estimates 14, 45
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2013 Data Tables zip 239.69 KB 11/13/2021 2013 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2001 pdf 25.71 MB 02/01/2003 2001 Yearbook 9
Lawful Permanent Residents 2003 (Tables) zip 299.55 KB 11/13/2021 2003 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2004 Data Tables zip 219.09 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2006 Data Tables zip 176.01 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2008 Data Tables zip 157.9 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Lawful Permanent Residents 2014 Supplementary Data Tables zip 167.27 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Estimates of the Nonimmigrant Population in the United States: 2004 pdf 247.69 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Nonimmigrants, NI Population Estimates 13, 33
Estimates of the Legal Permanent Resident Population and Population Eligible to Naturalize in 2003 pdf 247.35 KB 11/13/2021 2003 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
2010 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics pdf 2.52 MB 08/01/2011 2010 Yearbook 9
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2011 Supplementary Data Tables zip 120.63 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2015 Supplementary Data Tables zip 156.58 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Refugees and Asylees: 2010 pdf 425.13 KB 05/01/2011 2010 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2014 pdf 523.79 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
U.S. Naturalizations: 2017 pdf 3.61 MB 11/13/2021 2017 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
Refugee and Asylee 1990-1999 pdf 1.17 MB 11/13/2021 1999 Refugees and Asylees 11
Total LPR Flow by State 1990-1999 pdf 1.28 MB 11/13/2021 1999 Lawful Permanent Residents 10
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2011 pdf 415.37 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2014 xlsx 1.8 MB 11/13/2021 2014 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2019 Data Tables zip 164.72 KB 11/13/2021 2019 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Lawful Permanent Residents 2018 Data Tables zip 212.45 KB 11/13/2021 2018 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2017 Data Tables zip 170.7 KB 11/13/2021 2017 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Derivative (Spouses and Children) Employment-Based LPRs by Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission: FY2005 - FY2022 xlsx 82.6 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPRs by Country of Birth and Major Classes of Admission 10, 26
Expanded 2016 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 83.28 KB 11/13/2021 2016 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2010 pdf 481.41 KB 11/13/2021 2010 Unauthorized Immigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants Population Estimates 14, 45
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2013 Supplementary Data Tables zip 126.46 KB 11/13/2021 2013 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Lawful Permanent Residents 2001 (Tables) zip 453.9 KB 11/13/2021 2001 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Lawful Permanent Residents 2003 Supplementary Tables zip 123.12 KB 11/13/2021 2003 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
2005 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics pdf 3.09 MB 11/01/2006 2005 Yearbook 9
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2006 Supplementary Data Tables zip 112.06 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2008 Supplementary Data Tables zip 124.4 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Refugees and Asylees 2014 Data Tables zip 59.51 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Estimates of the Lawful Permanent Resident Population Eligible to Naturalize in 2002 pdf 609.61 KB 11/13/2021 2002 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
Legal Permanent Residents 2010 Data Tables zip 425.9 KB 11/13/2021 2010 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2011 Data Tables zip 108.91 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2015 Data Tables zip 141.22 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Refugees and Asylees: 2009 pdf 661.6 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2013 pdf 814.76 KB 11/13/2021 2013 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
U.S. Naturalizations: 2016 pdf 2.77 MB 11/13/2021 2016 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents: 2019 pdf 1.59 MB 11/13/2021 2019 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Refugee and Asylee 1980-1989 pdf 1.17 MB 11/13/2021 2021 Refugees and Asylees 11
Total LPR Flow by State 1980-1989 pdf 1.28 MB 11/13/2021 1996 Lawful Permanent Residents 10
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2010 pdf 327.9 KB 11/13/2021 2010 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2013 xlsx 1.82 MB 11/13/2021 2013 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
Lawful Permanent Residents 2018 Supplementary Data Tables zip 214.86 KB 11/13/2021 2018 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2016 pdf 14.81 MB 11/01/2017 2016 Yearbook 9
Expanded 2015 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 90.35 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2009 pdf 360.58 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Unauthorized Immigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants Population Estimates 14, 45
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2013 Data Tables zip 119.57 KB 11/13/2021 2013 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Refugees & Asylees 2001 (Tables) zip 202.37 KB 11/13/2021 2001 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Refugees & Asylees 2003 (Tables) zip 147.24 KB 11/13/2021 2003 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Legal Permanent Residents 2005 Data Tables zip 215.29 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2006 Data Tables zip 29.46 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2008 Data Tables zip 190.62 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2014 Data Tables zip 59.66 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Nonimmigrant Admissions and Estimated Individuals: 2016 pdf 346.47 KB 11/13/2021 2016 Nonimmigrants 13
Legal Permanent Residents 2010 Supplementary Data Tables zip 176.25 KB 11/13/2021 2010 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2012 pdf 2.7 MB 07/01/2013 2012 Yearbook 9
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2015 Supplementary Data Tables zip 149.28 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Refugees and Asylees: 2008 pdf 549.59 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2012 pdf 685.74 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
U.S. Naturalizations: 2015 pdf 961.5 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents: 2018 pdf 938.99 KB 11/13/2021 2018 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Family Preference 2000-2003 pdf 1.17 MB 11/13/2021 2000 Naturalizations 12
LPR Flow by Region and Country of Last Residence - 1820 to 2010 pdf 7.82 MB 11/13/2021 2010 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
2020 Enforcement Lifecycle Report pdf 627.98 KB 11/13/2021 2020 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Lifecycle report 15, 34
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2009 pdf 339.72 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2012 xlsx 1.75 MB 11/13/2021 2012 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
Refugees and Asylees 2018 Data Tables zip 88.09 KB 11/13/2021 2018 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status Report Data Tables: FY 2020 (Quarterly) xlsx 76 KB 11/13/2021 2020 Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status, Lawful Permanent Residents, Refugees and Asylees, Naturalizations, Nonimmigrants 18, 10, 11, 12, 13
Lawful Permanent Residents 2016 Data Tables zip 171.06 KB 11/13/2021 2016 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Expanded 2014 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 90.92 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2008 pdf 226.04 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Unauthorized Immigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants Population Estimates 14, 45
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 1999 pdf 2.8 MB 03/01/2002 1999 Yearbook 9
Naturalizations 2001 (Tables) zip 158.93 KB 11/13/2021 2001 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Naturalizations 2003 (Tables) zip 161.81 KB 11/13/2021 2003 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Legal Permanent Residents 2005 Supplementary Data Tables zip 127.49 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
2007 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics pdf 8.3 MB 09/01/2008 2007 Yearbook 9
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2008 Supplementary Data Tables zip 110.33 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2014 Supplementary Data Tables zip 159.52 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Interstate Migration of Lawful Permanent Residents Who Naturalize pdf 167.38 KB 11/13/2021 2021 Lawful Permanent Residents 10
Refugees and Asylees 2010 Data Tables zip 87.31 KB 11/13/2021 2010 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Lawful Permanent Residents 2012 (Tables 1-12) zip 278.71 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Lawful Permanent Residents 10
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2015 Data Tables zip 144.66 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Refugees and Asylees: 2007 pdf 356.72 KB 11/13/2021 2007 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2011 pdf 545.59 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
U.S. Naturalizations: 2014 pdf 188.92 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents: 2017 pdf 299.01 KB 11/13/2021 2017 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Family Preference 1990-1999 pdf 1.17 MB 11/13/2021 1999 Naturalizations 12
LPR Flow by Region and State of Residence - 1892 to 2010 pdf 3.91 MB 01/01/2011 2010 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
2020 Enforcement Lifecycle Report - Detailed Appendix Tables xlsx 169.86 KB 11/13/2021 2020 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Lifecycle report 15, 34
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2008 pdf 339.67 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2011 xlsx 1.8 MB 11/13/2021 2011 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
Naturalizations 2018 Data Tables zip 80.91 KB 11/13/2021 2018 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status Report Data Tables: FY 2019 (Quarterly) xlsx 72.06 KB 11/13/2021 2019 Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status, Lawful Permanent Residents, Refugees and Asylees, Naturalizations, Nonimmigrants 18, 10, 11, 12, 13
Lawful Permanent Residents 2016 Supplementary Data Tables zip 175.06 KB 11/13/2021 2016 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Expanded 2013 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 89.4 KB 11/13/2021 2013 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2007 pdf 291.31 KB 11/13/2021 2007 Unauthorized Immigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants Population Estimates 14, 45
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 1999 (Tables) zip 1.32 MB 11/13/2021 1999 Yearbook 9
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2001 (Tables) zip 322.23 KB 11/13/2021 2001 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2003 Supplementary Tables zip 110.15 KB 11/13/2021 2003 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Refugees and Asylees 2005 Data Tables zip 30.96 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Legal Permanent Residents 2007 Data Tables zip 225.37 KB 11/13/2021 2007 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2008 Data Tables zip 102.92 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2014 Data Tables zip 149.93 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Estimates of the Lawful Permanent Resident Population in the United States: January 2015-2019 pdf 227.25 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
The Impact of Counting Changes on Nonimmigrant Admissions: An Update pdf 838 KB 11/13/2021 2021 Nonimmigrants 13
Naturalizations 2010 Data Tables zip 233.46 KB 11/13/2021 2010 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Legal Permanent Residents 2012 Supplementary Data Tables zip 143.43 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Refugees and Asylees: 2006 pdf 657.92 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2010 pdf 524.69 KB 11/13/2021 2010 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
U.S. Naturalizations: 2013 pdf 597.21 KB 11/13/2021 2013 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents: 2016 pdf 210.5 KB 11/13/2021 2016 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Family Preference 1980-1989 pdf 1.17 MB 11/13/2021 2021 Naturalizations 12
COVID-19 Vulnerability by Immigration Status pdf 3.38 MB 11/13/2021 2021 COVID 19 Vulnerability, Lawful Permanent Residents, Refugees and Asylees, Nonimmigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants 19, 10, 11, 13, 14
DHS Cohort Outcomes Report (2019 Enforcement Lifecycle Report) pdf 578.84 KB 11/13/2021 2019 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Lifecycle report 15, 34
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2007 pdf 179.31 KB 11/13/2021 2007 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2010 xlsx 1.82 MB 11/13/2021 2010 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
Naturalizations 2018 Supplementary Data Tables zip 213.67 KB 11/13/2021 2018 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status Report Data Tables: FY 2018 (Quarterly) xlsx 81.3 KB 11/13/2021 2018 Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status, Lawful Permanent Residents, Refugees and Asylees, Naturalizations, Nonimmigrants 18, 10, 11, 12, 13
Refugees and Asylees 2016 Data Tables zip 86.47 KB 11/13/2021 2016 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Expanded 2012 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 90.96 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2006 pdf 576.11 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Unauthorized Immigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants Population Estimates 14, 45
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 1998 pdf 1.63 MB 11/01/2000 1998 Yearbook 9
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2001 (Tables) zip 204.91 KB 11/13/2021 2001 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2003 (Tables) zip 216.19 KB 11/13/2021 2003 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2005 Data Tables zip 138.95 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Legal Permanent Residents 2007 Supplementary Data Tables zip 144.54 KB 11/13/2021 2007 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
2009 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics pdf 6.03 MB 08/10/2010 2009 Yearbook 9
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2014 Supplementary Data Tables zip 152.16 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Estimates of the Lawful Permanent Resident Population in the United States: January 2015 pdf 334.33 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
The Impact of Counting Changes on Nonimmigrant Admissions: Preliminary Findings pdf 529.75 KB 11/13/2021 2021 Nonimmigrants 13
Naturalizations 2010 Supplementary Data Tables zip 132.88 KB 11/13/2021 2010 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Refugees and Asylees 2012 Data Tables zip 62.26 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Refugees and Asylees: 2005 pdf 160.96 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2009 pdf 552.95 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
U.S. Naturalizations: 2012 pdf 573.76 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents: 2015 pdf 474.42 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Total Naturalized Flow 2000-2003 pdf 1.17 MB 11/13/2021 2000 Naturalizations 12
COVID-19 Vulnerability by Immigration Status - data files xlsx 105.69 KB 11/13/2021 2021 COVID 19 Vulnerability, Lawful Permanent Residents, Refugees and Asylees, Nonimmigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants 19, 10, 11, 13, 14
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2006 pdf 277.48 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2009 xlsx 1.86 MB 11/13/2021 2009 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2018 Data Tables zip 154.47 KB 11/13/2021 2018 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status Report Data Tables: FY 2017 (Quarterly) xlsx 78.82 KB 11/13/2021 2017 Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status, Lawful Permanent Residents, Refugees and Asylees, Naturalizations, Nonimmigrants 18, 10, 11, 12, 13
Naturalizations 2016 Data Tables zip 58.92 KB 11/13/2021 2016 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Expanded 2011 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 89.2 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2005 pdf 220.49 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Unauthorized Immigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants Population Estimates 14, 45
1998 Yearbook contains all Excel files zip 930.83 KB 11/13/2021 1998 Yearbook 9
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2002 pdf 17.83 MB 10/01/2003 2002 Yearbook 9
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2003 Supplementary Tables zip 90.5 KB 11/13/2021 2003 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2005 Supplementary Data Tables zip 80.23 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Refugees and Asylees 2007 Data Tables zip 34.18 KB 11/13/2021 2007 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Legal Permanent Residents 2009 Data Tables zip 245.96 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2014 Data Tables zip 135.43 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Estimates of the Lawful Permanent Resident Population in the United States: January 2014 pdf 330.61 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
Naturalization Rates among IRCA Immigrants: A 2009 Update pdf 216.92 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Naturalizations 12
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2010 Data Tables zip 228.62 KB 11/13/2021 2010 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2012 (Tables 20-24) zip 186.58 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Naturalizations 12
Refugees and Asylees: 2004 pdf 200.17 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2008 pdf 781.07 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
U.S. Naturalizations: 2011 pdf 397.51 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents: 2014 pdf 247.82 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
U.S. Legal Permanent Residents: 2007 pdf 1.37 MB 11/13/2021 2007 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Total Naturalized Flow 1990-1999 pdf 1.17 MB 11/13/2021 1999 Naturalizations 12
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2005 pdf 322.65 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2008 xlsx 1.85 MB 11/13/2021 2008 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2018 Supplementary Data Tables zip 176.04 KB 11/13/2021 2018 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status Report Data Tables: FY 2016 (Quarterly) xlsx 73.09 KB 11/13/2021 2016 Legal Immigration and Adjustment of Status, Lawful Permanent Residents, Refugees and Asylees, Naturalizations, Nonimmigrants 18, 10, 11, 12, 13
Naturalizations 2016 Supplementary Data Tables zip 163.98 KB 11/13/2021 2016 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Expanded 2010 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 89.48 KB 11/13/2021 2010 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: 1996 pdf 94.99 KB 11/13/2021 1996 Unauthorized Immigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants Population Estimates 14, 45
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 1997 pdf 1.53 MB 10/01/1999 1997 Yearbook 9
Lawful Permanent Residents 2002 (Tables) zip 549.14 KB 11/13/2021 2002 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2003 (Tables) zip 186.7 KB 11/13/2021 2003 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2005 Data Tables zip 170.65 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2007 Data Tables zip 156.55 KB 11/13/2021 2007 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Legal Permanent Residents 2009 Supplementary Data Tables zip 149.5 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
IRCA Legalization Effects: Lawful Permanent Residence and Naturalization through 2001 pdf 492.49 KB 11/13/2021 2001 Lawful Permanent Residents, Naturalizations 10, 12
Estimates of the Lawful Permanent Resident Population in the United States: January 2013 pdf 169.03 KB 11/13/2021 2013 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
Characteristics of Persons Naturalizing in the United States Between 1980 and 2008 pdf 217.9 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Naturalizations 12
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2010 Supplementary Data Tables zip 122.49 KB 11/13/2021 2010 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2012 Supplementary Data Tables zip 135.04 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Refugees and Asylees: 2019 pdf 885.68 KB 11/13/2021 2019 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Annual Report: Refugees, FY 1997 (INS) pdf 52.26 KB 11/13/2021 1997 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2007 pdf 297.1 KB 11/13/2021 2007 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
U.S. Naturalizations: 2010 pdf 378.02 KB 11/13/2021 2010 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents: 2013 pdf 266.62 KB 11/13/2021 2013 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
U.S. Legal Permanent Residents: 2006 pdf 521.47 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Total Naturalized Flow 1980-1989 pdf 1.17 MB 11/13/2021 2021 Naturalizations 12
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2004 pdf 237 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2007 xlsx 1.81 MB 11/13/2021 2007 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2018 Data Tables zip 169.36 KB 11/13/2021 2018 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2016 Data Tables zip 137.99 KB 11/13/2021 2016 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Expanded 2009 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 89.34 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: 1990 to 2000 pdf 490.97 KB 11/13/2021 2000 Unauthorized Immigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants Population Estimates 14, 45
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 1996 (PDF and Tables) zip 2.31 MB 11/13/2021 1996 Yearbook 9
Lawful Permanent Residents 2002 Supplementary Tables zip 266.35 KB 11/13/2021 2002 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
2004 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics pdf 1.55 MB 01/01/2006 2004 Yearbook 9
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2005 Supplementary Data Tables zip 107.93 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2007 Supplementary Data Tables zip 122.43 KB 11/13/2021 2007 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Refugees and Asylees 2009 Data Tables zip 36.92 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
The Timing of Naturalization in the United States through 1996:The Experience of the Legal Immigrant Cohorts of 1977 and 1982 pdf 283.49 KB 11/13/2021 1996 Naturalizations 12
Estimates of the Legal Permanent Resident Population in 2012 pdf 519.94 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
Trends in Naturalization Rates: 2008 Update pdf 91.99 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Naturalizations 12
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2010 Data Tables zip 75.78 KB 11/13/2021 2010 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2012 Data Tables zip 245.36 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Refugees and Asylees: 2018 pdf 1.42 MB 11/13/2021 2018 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Temporary Admissions of Nonimmigrants to the United States: 2006 pdf 1.01 MB 11/13/2021 2006 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
Naturalizations in the United States: 2009 pdf 324.11 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
U.S. Legal Permanent Residents: 2012 pdf 679.34 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
U.S. Legal Permanent Residents: 2005 pdf 212.26 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Refugee and Asylee 2000-2003 pdf 1.26 MB 11/13/2021 2000 Refugees and Asylees 11
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2019 pdf 1.1 MB 11/13/2021 2019 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2019 pdf 24.09 MB 09/01/2020 2019 Yearbook 9
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2017 pdf 24.31 MB 07/01/2019 2017 Yearbook 9
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2016 Supplementary Data Tables zip 151.73 KB 11/13/2021 2016 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Expanded 2008 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 88.77 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Executive Summary Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: 1990 to 2000 pdf 108.19 KB 11/13/2021 2000 Unauthorized Immigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants Population Estimates 14, 45
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 1996 pdf 1.54 MB 10/01/1997 1996 Yearbook 9
Refugees & Asylees 2002 (Tables) zip 79.32 KB 11/13/2021 2002 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Legal Permanent Residents 2004 Data Tables zip 125.87 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2005 Data Tables zip 130.24 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2007 Data Tables zip 190.08 KB 11/13/2021 2007 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2009 Data Tables zip 34.26 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Nonimmigrants Residing in the United States: Fiscal Years 2017-2019 pdf 1.67 MB 11/13/2021 2017 Nonimmigrants, NI Population Estimates 13, 33
Estimates of the Legal Permanent Resident Population in 2011 pdf 754.08 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
Trends in Naturalization Rates pdf 131.42 KB 11/13/2021 2021 Naturalizations 12
2011 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics pdf 4.49 MB 09/01/2012 2011 Yearbook 9
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2012 Supplementary Data Tables zip 123.34 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Refugees and Asylees: 2017 pdf 1.06 MB 11/13/2021 2017 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Temporary Admissions of Nonimmigrants to the United States: 2005 pdf 378.52 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
Naturalizations in the United States: 2008 pdf 396.99 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
U.S. Legal Permanent Residents: 2011 pdf 476.94 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
U.S. Legal Permanent Residents: 2004 pdf 351.92 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Refugee and Asylee 1980-1989 pdf 1.23 MB 11/13/2021 2021 Refugees and Asylees 11
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2018 pdf 374.19 KB 11/13/2021 2018 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
Lawful Permanent Residents 2019 Data Tables zip 215.39 KB 11/13/2021 2019 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Lawful Permanent Residents 2017 Data Tables zip 223.28 KB 11/13/2021 2017 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Nonimmigrant Admissions by Selected Classes of Admission and Sex and Age: Fiscal Year 2019 xlsx 43.79 KB 11/13/2021 2019 Nonimmigrants 13
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2016 Data Tables zip 143.84 KB 11/13/2021 2016 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Expanded 2007 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 88.06 KB 11/13/2021 2007 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2013 pdf 3.51 MB 08/01/2014 2013 Yearbook 9
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2000 pdf 6.21 MB 09/01/2002 2000 Yearbook 9
Naturalizations 2002 (Tables) zip 290.92 KB 11/13/2021 2002 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Legal Permanent Residents 2004 Supplementary Data Tables zip 82.31 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, Refugees and Asylees, Naturalizations, Nonimmigrants 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
2006 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics pdf 3.4 MB 09/01/2007 2006 Yearbook 9
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2007 Supplementary Data Tables zip 111.21 KB 11/13/2021 2007 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2009 Supplementary Data Tables zip 235.33 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Nonimmigrants Residing in the United States: Fiscal Year 2016 pdf 461.49 KB 11/13/2021 2016 Nonimmigrants, NI Population Estimates 13, 33
Estimates of the Legal Permanent Resident Population in 2010 pdf 623.93 KB 11/13/2021 2010 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
Characteristics of Major Metropolitan Destinations of Immigrants pdf 189.37 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Lawful Permanent Residents 10
Legal Permanent Residents 2011 Data Tables zip 277.14 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2012 (Tables 33-41) zip 118.02 KB 11/13/2021 2012 Immigration Enforcement 15
Refugees and Asylees: 2016 pdf 12.95 MB 11/13/2021 2016 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Temporary Admissions of Nonimmigrants to the United States: 2004 pdf 437.35 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
Naturalizations in the United States: 2007 pdf 339.14 KB 11/13/2021 2007 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
U.S. Legal Permanent Residents: 2010 pdf 446.49 KB 11/13/2021 2010 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Annual Report: Legal Immigration, FY 2001 (INS) pdf 210.9 KB 11/13/2021 2001 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Family Preference 2000-2003 pdf 1.25 MB 11/13/2021 2000 Naturalizations 12
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2017 pdf 873.85 KB 11/13/2021 2017 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
Lawful Permanent Residents 2019 Supplementary Data Tables zip 216.9 KB 11/13/2021 2019 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Lawful Permanent Residents 2017 Supplementary Data Tables zip 217.69 KB 11/13/2021 2017 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Nonimmigrant Admissions by Selected Classes of Admission and Sex and Age: Fiscal Year 2018 xlsx 36.97 KB 11/13/2021 2018 Nonimmigrants 13
Expanded 2006 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) xlsx 88.92 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded 9, 10, 24
Lawful Permanent Residents 2013 Data Tables zip 269.59 KB 11/13/2021 2013 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Lawful Permanent Residents 2000 (Tables) zip 431.15 KB 11/13/2021 2000 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Naturalizations 2002 Supplementary Tables zip 255.65 KB 11/13/2021 2002 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Refugees and Asylees 2004 Data Tables zip 139.36 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Legal Permanent Residents 2006 Data Tables zip 215.81 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2007 Data Tables zip 52.32 KB 11/13/2021 2007 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2009 Data Tables zip 190.87 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Nonimmigrants Residing in the United States: Fiscal Year 2015 pdf 303.11 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Nonimmigrants, NI Population Estimates 13, 33
Estimates of the Legal Permanent Resident Population in 2009 pdf 328.81 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
Trends in Naturalization by Provision of Law: 1975 to 2005 pdf 95.23 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Naturalizations 12
Legal Permanent Residents 2011 Supplementary Data Tables zip 138.85 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2015 pdf 3.41 MB 12/01/2016 2015 Yearbook 9
Refugees and Asylees: 2015 pdf 219.9 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2019 pdf 3.29 MB 11/13/2021 2019 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
Naturalizations in the United States: 2006 pdf 488.24 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
U.S. Legal Permanent Residents: 2009 pdf 1.8 MB 11/13/2021 2009 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Annual Report: Legal Immigration, FY 2000 (INS) pdf 250.17 KB 11/13/2021 2000 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17
Family Preference 1990-1999 pdf 1.24 MB 11/13/2021 1999 Naturalizations 12
Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2016 pdf 373.74 KB 11/13/2021 2016 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43
New LPRs by State, County, Country of Birth, and Major Class of Admission (Top 200 Counties): 2019 xlsx 1.81 MB 11/13/2021 2019 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR by State, County, Country of Birth and Major Class of Admission 10, 25
Refugees and Asylees 2019 Data Tables zip 86.14 KB 11/13/2021 2019 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Refugees and Asylees 2017 Data Tables zip 90.1 KB 11/13/2021 2017 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Nonimmigrant Admissions by Selected Classes of Admission and Sex and Age: Fiscal Year 2017 xlsx 36.24 KB 11/13/2021 2017 Nonimmigrants 13
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2015-January 2018 pdf 855.98 KB 11/13/2021 2018 Unauthorized Immigrants, Unauthorized Immigrants Population Estimates 14, 45
Lawful Permanent Residents 2013 Supplementary Data Tables zip 137.75 KB 11/13/2021 2013 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Refugees & Asylees 2000 (Tables) zip 222.31 KB 11/13/2021 2000 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2002 (Tables) zip 805.59 KB 11/13/2021 2002 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Naturalizations 2004 Data Tables zip 167.05 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Yearbook, Naturalizations 9, 12
Legal Permanent Residents 2006 Supplementary Data Tables zip 125.78 KB 11/13/2021 2006 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2008 pdf 2.86 MB 08/10/2009 2008 Yearbook 9
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2009 Supplementary Data Tables zip 109.94 KB 11/13/2021 2009 Yearbook, Nonimmigrants 9, 13
Estimates of the Size and Characteristics of the Resident Nonimmigrant Population in the United States: Fiscal Year 2014 pdf 239.02 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Nonimmigrants, NI Population Estimates 13, 33
Estimates of the Legal Permanent Resident Population in 2008 pdf 326.17 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Population Estimates 10, 21
Characteristics of Diversity Legal Permanent Residents: 2004 pdf 129.74 KB 11/13/2021 2004 Lawful Permanent Residents 10
Refugees and Asylees 2011 Data Tables zip 52.71 KB 11/13/2021 2011 Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees 9, 11
Lawful Permanent Residents 2015 Data Tables zip 173.32 KB 11/13/2021 2015 Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents 9, 10
Refugees and Asylees: 2014 pdf 230.37 KB 11/13/2021 2014 Refugees and Asylees, RFA Annual Flow Report 11, 28
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2018 pdf 5.89 MB 11/13/2021 2018 Nonimmigrants, NI Annual Flow report 13, 44
Naturalizations in the United States: 2005 pdf 250.51 KB 11/13/2021 2005 Naturalizations, NATZ Annual Flow report 12, 32
U.S. Legal Permanent Residents: 2008 pdf 369.55 KB 11/13/2021 2008 Lawful Permanent Residents, Annual Flow Report 10, 17

Other Resources

The following resources are not Office of Homeland Security Statistics products and may adhere to different data and reporting review processes.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

  • Stats and Summaries — CBP provides data on encounters, seizures and other enforcement statistics, trade, travel, accountability and transparency, border rescues and mortality, and a typical day at CBP. They also publish annual reports and maintain a public data portal.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

  • ICE Annual Reports — ICE publishes statistics on administrative and criminal arrests and removals.
  • FOIA Library — As required by the Freedom of Information Act, ICE publishes records including detention facility statistics and immigration statistics through the ICE FOIA Library.
  • Detention Statistics — ICE publishes searchable and sortable data tables on detention, alternatives to detention, and facilities.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

  • Immigration and Citizenship Data — USCIS provides a variety of data resources related to USCIS operations, including E-verify reports and data on processing times.
  • Historical Library — USCIS has historical documents, including the Statistical Yearbook of the Immigration and Naturalization Service for 1978-1995.